What I learned from ten days of rest

Jane Charlesworth
5 min readJan 25, 2021
small dog reclining on cushions in window seat
This article is dedicated to Marcel, who is my best teacher of rest.

I started January by taking up Jen Lemen’s invitation to “rest and nest” for ten days. I found it much more of a challenge than I thought was possible, and I realised just how tired I am and how much more rest I need than I think I do. The past ten days were a wake-up call (pun absolutely intended) to how resistant I am to slowing down and giving my body what feels good. I am so used to existing in a place of exhaustion. This…



Jane Charlesworth

Anticapitalist mindset coach at Mycelium Coaching. Using coaching tools to help people navigate apocalypse and build a more liberated world together.